How to configure and setup SSH public keys, the right way.
Mostly, users login to their servers using SSH passwords. SSH password based authentication is not safe for enterprise use cases because passwords are usually short in length, contain dictionary words, and can be easily guessed. Using SSH public key based authentication is safe for enterprise deployments at small scale.
In this article we’ll discuss how to configure and setup SSH public key based login for a linux server.
Note: SSH Public Key Authentication is prone for configuration errors and security flaws when operated and managed at scale. Ideally, it is recommended to use SSH Certificate Based Authentication. Learn more about SSH certificate based authentication here.
Step #1
When you install ssh, it comes with a bunch of tools. One of them is named `ssh-keygen`. We’ll use `ssh-keygen` to create SSH public keys.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096Generating public/private rsa key pair.Enter file in which to save the key (/home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa):Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):Enter same passphrase again:Your identification has been saved in /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsaYour public key has been saved in /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa.pubThe key fingerprint is:SHA256:ShpCF11/fYjujAVDYivNKpNM6QdVwh8Z9sX00PIspdobob@localhostThe key’s randomart image is:+ — -[RSA 4096] — — +| .oooBo.o+. || +o*o* .o=o. || . = ..+.= o*+ .|| . = o o. =o o. || . B + S oo. || . B . .=E || . . . o || || |+ — — [SHA256] — — -+
We are requesting a RSA type key and the key length should be 4096 bits. The longer the key, the harder it becomes to crack it.
It is highly recommended to provide a passphrase for the private key. If an unauthorized user gets hold of the private key with no passphrase, they will be able to log in to any server you’ve configured with the associated public key.
The above command would have generated an SSH pair — public key and a private key, in the default “.ssh” folder in your home directory. For example: `/home/bob/.ssh/`
Public Key: /home/bob/.ssh/
Private Key: /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa
You should neither share the private key with anyone nor copy it to your online storage or emails or chat window.
Step 2:
Next, we need to copy the SSH public key to the server. We’ll use a tool named `ssh-copy-id` that is part of the ssh toolkit.
$ ssh-copy-id bob@server-name
Once the above command completes, you can login to your server using the SSH public key. If you have set up a passphrase during the key generation, the `ssh-copy-id` command will ask for it.
Alternatively, you can copy the SSH public key manually to the server. You need to copy-paste or append the public key to the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file on the server.
$ cat /home/bob/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Bob’s key
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB… bob
Step 3
Verify if you can login to the server using the ssh key generated above. Run the SSH client command as shown below:
ssh -i /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa bob@server-name
The -i option is used to specify the identity file or the SSH private key file. You may be prompted for the passphrase to unlock the private key, if you provided one during the step #1 above.
When you login using the SSH key for the first time, you’ll see a weird message on the console, something like this:
The authenticity of host ‘server-name (’ can’t be established.ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:LKVs+g5kgmIXsYkU2Fl8XmNOmW4Rz1/AoXBLdRoanzM.This key is not known by any other namesAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
This is a catch22 situation where you can neither deny nor agree with the message. If you know this is your server, then say yes and continue. The SSH public key of the host will be stored in the `~/.ssh/known_hosts` file in your client machine for future references. Next time when you SSH login, you’ll not see the message again and will be referred from the file.
Step 4:
Now that you have set up your SSH keys for login, it is the right time to completely disable password based login in your SSH server.
Note: Make sure that all other users of the server also have setup SSH public key based login successfully. Because once you disable password based authentication, any user still using password for login wouldn’t be able to do so any further.
Edit the `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` file in the server using any editor of your choice, say nano or vim. Change the setting named `PasswordAuthentication:` to `no` as shown below.
$ nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config…PasswordAuthentication: no…
If you see any ‘#’ at the beginning of the line, make sure you delete it. # is used to comment out a configuration. You need to uncomment it first before you set it to “no”. Save the changes and restart the SSH server daemon using the following command as sudo user:
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
Verify sshd server is up and running.
$ sudo systemctl status sshd
Problems at scale:
Now that you have set up just one user for SSH public key based authentication into your sever, you as an admin of your organization, should repeat the same procedure to set up SSH public key based authentication for the remaining users.
If you have more than one server in your organization(which would most likely be the case), then you need to copy each user’s SSH public key to the `authorized_keys` file in all the servers. This becomes an M * N problem.
It is not possible to do this task manually with a scaled infrastructure and some sort of a software or tool is required to automate the task.
It is highly recommended that a user doesn’t reuse the same SSH public key to login to all SSH servers. If an unwanted user were to get hold of the private key, the potential attack surface becomes large.
There are some additional problems & operational challenges associated with using SSH public key based authentication. We discuss this in detail in our next article here: Tighten SSH Access Using SSH Certificates